A super beautiful slots game I made at Blueshell Games! I was promoted to lead engineer on this project, mostly working solo but sometimes had a second engineer. The game was out and supported for a good while, and we maintained a healthy release schedule of updates.
I worked very closely with the art lead on this project. The management structure was pretty thin, so the production team had a lot of leeway in determining implementation details. The art lead and I designed many of the visuals in the game in tandem, as well as the UI.
A lot of tools came out of this project, as it was one of the company's first forays into making new games. I wrote a procedural animation tool utilizing Adobe After Effects, which became the backbone for all future art development at the company. This project started our shared code repository and libraries, and the game itself went on to become the base for all future products. The engine for the game was also backported to the company's flagship slot's product Lucky Slots.