A seated VR experience where you play as the guardian spirit floating above a ring world. The world has lost its connection to the stars, causing its elemental forces to break down. You're sent to restore the link to the stars, and bring the world back into working order. The player works their way around the ring, spinning it to access any part of the world.
The game plays as an environmental puzzle game. Being a guardian spirit, the player can command natural elemental miracles in the world that manipulate environment. For instance, the player can call down rain to water restore a river and water a farmer's crops, use wind to turn a windmill to grind grain, etc. These actions help the inhabitants of the world, with each section of the world presenting a contained, narrative challenge that binds the gameplay together. Once a section is cleared, the player progresses to a new part of the ring by casting a Grand Miracle, a motion based minigame to cast a unique miracle that ties off that section of story.
At some points, sections of the world will be disconnected from the stars, and the player must solve a star puzzle to reconnect a constellation to the land, allowing miracles to be cast in that region again. A field of stars is disconnected in the sky, with line segments that can form the constellation. The star field can be rotated, but the connecting line segments can only be moved. All the stars must be connected, but once a connection between stars is made, they'll remain connected even as the star field is rotated.
Grand Miracle was conceived and pitched to publishers as a mobile VR title, and was the most recent game concept Magnet Hill worked on. Its current state is a conceptual prototype. This video of the prototype shows off the mechanics of a very simple star puzzle.
Uploaded by Elijah O'Rear on 2017-01-31.