Another Magnet Hill production (with me doing the programming and modifcations of placeholder art), we made a prototype for a VR blacksmithing game. You play as the blacksmith in your typical fantasy RPG and craft gear for adventurers with cooking-mama type minigames. The game's a room-scale VR experience that's meant to capitalize well on the physicality of hand tracking controllers. Production of any one item moves through several stages, with many optional steps that may be taken along the way. Some examples are a gem setting minigame to socket magical gems into a sword, a rune carving minigame, blade sharpening minigame, etc.
We started off the prototype with basic crafting fundamentals.
Uploaded by Elijah O'Rear on 2016-10-12.
We further iterated on different ideas for the hammering minigame.
Hammer test for Blacksmithing game.
The player is meant to fulfill work orders for customers, picking and choosing which ones they want to do in a day's work. Fulfillment of work orders grants rewards for a job well done, often a share of an adventurer's loot, but if they player makes the wrong sort of weapon for an adventurer, they may not be successful in their journey. Over time the player's shop is expanded and upgraded, earning more tools and stations to expand the variety and complexity of equipment they can make.
At the moment, the game exists as an early prototype.